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You Have More to Do with Your Life Than Change Your Body.

We often do not separate our beliefs about our physical bodies from the rest of us, in our current culture.

We try to pretend like we can/do, or like this programming doesn't run deep snaking its tentacles into every crevice of our lives, but it always catches up to us. We believe certain things about certain bodies (+ certain habits, + certain ways of showing up in our lives), and, for most of us for quite some time, we do our best to distance ourselves from the shame spiral created by a world profiting from as many people feeling as bad as possible about themselves (so we can be sold a solution). The process of shifting all these beliefs—of seeing them for what they are and how they've impacted you + those around you—is often lengthy, imperfect, uncertain.

It's also freedom and truth.

A recovery not just of your full humanity but all of ours.

You are (and we all are) so much more than a body.