Your New Program is Here.

round 2 of xoxo,Steph.png
“If this plan is supposed to be perfect for my body, why am I so hungry_ Why am I exhausted_ Do I have to eat chicken and broccoli EVERY SINGLE DAY_ Do I fail if I eat pizza_”Is this you_.png


If it is, I offer 12-week fully customized DIY programs.

One-on-one coaching slots isn't for everyone, so if you'd like to work with me on your own time, this is how.

Hi. My name is Steph, and I’m a recovering cookie-cutter trainer.

I believe personal trainers and coaches who write rigid programming and provide nutrition details down to the macro and minute are keeping you stuck in a Sisyphean cycle (and not helping you meet the goals you really have), and that’s just not my style. Never has been.

I tried to fit myself into that box once, and it left me more confused than when I started.

“If this plan is supposed to be perfect for my body, why do I feel so tired? Why am I always cranky? Is there any room for the foods I love?

Will I EVER get it right?"

Sound familiar?

I spent years hating my body, repeating on loop the narratives telling me that I would be more desirable if I were smaller, and wondering why I couldn’t figure it out. My first year in fitness, I got strep throat. I was lying on the couch, miserable and unable to swallow anything at all. After 24 hours, I knew I at least needed some hydration. I figured Popsicles would melt and leak down my throat, which was better than nothing. Hobbling into the store, I asked if they had the sugar-free version, because I was still, with a 103-degree fever and having not eaten in almost three days, worried about the calories.

Trapped in the maze of my mind, I believed that certain foods were “good” or “bad,” and, therefore, so was I, depending on what I consumed. Until I fit the puzzle pieces together, I thought, I would always be less than.

If you find yourself in that place today, I’d invite you to take advantage of this powerful moment and start creating a program that was designed for you and your unique needs.

My entire life changed when I asked myself what I was really working toward and why.

When I shifted my perspective—when I realized I could put down all the math problems, the programs, and the mental gymnastics—the work that comes with developing a peaceful, healthy, freeing relationship with my body and my food became fun. I felt capable and strong, instead of dejected and weak. It changed my body, but, more than that, it opened the door to stepping into my power and creating the life I want, rather than the one that looked good on paper.

I’d love to help you discover what that looks like for you. Click the button below to get started, get curious, and get big. ❤

Once you confirm your purchase, you will be taken to a calendar page to schedule your consultation call. I can't wait to chat with you!




Need a payment plan, or other options? I offer sliding scale payments, no details required. Send me an email at