Based in Philadelphia, i'm on a mission to help you use fitness as a method of empowerment: 


Is This You? [[Last Call!]]

Is This You? [[Last Call!]]

So, you’re sitting there, half-drunk smoothie at the corner of your desk, zoned out on a Tuesday with the trillion things you have to do before this week running through your mind. You’re wondering why this smoothie doesn’t just taste better and why exercising feels like such a chore and why you never follow through on anything, and this ever-growing to-do list gumming up the works like the smoothie that won’t come through the straw is proof.

When you think about the person you want to be—that you swear you could be, if you just got it “right”—instead of feeling inspired, you mostly want to take a nap.

[I don’t blame you.]

Having enough time to do that, though, is laughable, so you grit your teeth and think, “just one more day/week/month.”

You know you’re juggling too much, but you’re not sure how to stop. It all feels so urgent, so important, so much like no one else will do it if you don’t (and it needs to get done, so guess what!).

What you really want is someone to take a good look at it all and help you see what you can put down so you feel like you again.

→ Hi, hello, this is what I do. ←

For a long time, I was a personal trainer like many, hoping to design the most cutting-edge program, putting the “right” exercises together that would make you enjoy lifting, failing to consider that maybe you just don’t like it all that much. Upon realizing that it isn’t a matter of, “priorities,” but, often, limited resources and putting your eggs in baskets that will never hold you, I changed course.

[psst… you can, too.]

I work with clients to first identify what exactly it is that’s keeping you spinning your wheels in your relationship with your body. We go through step by step to see what’s underneath the busyness, the performance, the hustle.

Before I give you yet another fitness program, you’ll discover what’s propping up your habits, identify the values you’re currently living and the ones you want to be, and how and why the mismatches show up. You’ll then learn how to get moving—how to finally take a step out of the muck and mire toward the freedom you’ve been hoping to find.

Last call to get a free bonus (+ recorded, for you to refer back to (one of my favorite ways to take stock of growth that can sometimes fly under the radar)) call is this week!
[Click here to join the Bold Body Initiative. 💫]



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